Kirk Lake week in Outsideleft.
Why not?
It's a fantastic week for our man in London. Kirk's first new book in about a decade, There Will Be Rainbows, a biography of the singer, Rufus Wainwright, is finally published by Orion Books. It's been years in the making. Meanwhile, Radio Mania, the critically acclaimed 3D movie he scripted for artists Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard continues at the British Film Institute Gallery on the South Bank and will run through mid-July.
The much anticipated There Will Be Rainbows, finally reaches the bookshelves on May 29th. While the book is not without controversy, it has been described as "an intelligent, critical piece of music writing that befits the integrity and complexity of the artist's work." Kirk has traveled the world unearthing the story that makes Rufus Wainwright Rufus Wainwright, sometimes one of the more entertaining musicians around.
This week (or so) we'll feature reviews of the Book, the Film, some Happy Shopping and a brief interview with Kirk - what's happening now and next with him. While there will be other stuff too, this week really is Kirk Lake week in outsideleft.
Find out more about Kirk Lake at his website,