Beatles on iTunes
At last
The Beatles are on iTunes
You don’t remember the Beatles?
They used to play the nursery rhymes
That rocked your grandparents to sleep.
Please Please Me (oh yeah) I Wanna Hold Your Hand.
Let it Be.
The Beatles are on iTunes
Don’t remember iTunes?
Apple can’t let it be.
The Beatles unbundled. It is important work
Like no one who ever wanted to hear
A Beatles song hasn’t done it already
Like no one who ever wanted to hear
A Beatles song on an iPod
Hasn’t done it already
Ripped from the multiple versions their
Kids already bought them
During their
First wave of nostalgia and sentimentaility.
Sell them grandads again.
They’re the only ones
Now with any money.
Lionize them musicians long since dead
Are men really so stupid?
Funny how most of the old birds, wetting their pants at shea stadium
Aren’t bothering their depends
What with the excitement of this significant release now.
"The band that changed everything."
For the Beatles, maybe.