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An A-Z of KL Longtime O/L collaborator Kirk Lake has a new novel out. Mickey The Mimic - a neo-noir take on British art and music at the end of the 1990s. His first novel since 1997. Where's he been? How lazy is that?

An A-Z of KL

Longtime O/L collaborator Kirk Lake has a new novel out. Mickey The Mimic - a neo-noir take on British art and music at the end of the 1990s. His first novel since 1997. Where's he been? How lazy is that?

by Hamilton High,
first published: July, 2013

approximate reading time: minutes

I would sometimes kiss the screen when Quimby's name came on to thank him for producing the cartoons

A - Art - The plot for this new novel is based around art and artists. Hidden inside it are a few comments on artists and critics. It's a fairly serious book of art criticism disguised as a neo-noir. /  B - Bukowski - I published some of his poems in a fanzine I did. He was a kind and gracious correspondent for a while / C - Cocteau - It's a terrible thing that the Cocteau chapel at Notre Dame in London is now behind perspex / D - Death - Is or is not the end? I dunno / E - ebooks - if you can't beat them... / F - Fisher, Billy aka Liar still my favourite film / G - Giraffe - "you never see a giraffe at a fly's funeral" - that's the punchline to the last joke somebody told me/ H - Hulk - It's Hulk or nothing for me these days, comicswise / I - I Came All The Way Here, I May As Well Go All The Way There. That's the title of a new record I'm working on right now. /  J - Le Javanaise. One of my favourite Serge songs. /  K - KIRK LAKE MICKEY THE MIMIC BUY IT HERE / L - Last of the Famous International Playboys - I wish / M - Meat Is Murder. It just is. /  N - Never Hit The Ground, that was my first book, a lost classic of sorts / O - "older and wiser, never applies to me..." - a lyric. / P - Piercing Brightness - This is the sci-fi film I wrote for Shezad Dawood. Ufos and aliens in Preston. Kitchen sink sci-fi. Out on DVD in August / Q - Quimby, Fred - Here's something I only remembered recently. When I was about 5 or 6 I used to love Tom and Jerry cartoons so much I would sometimes kiss the screen when Quimby's name came on to thank him for producing the cartoons. / R - Rufus - So I did this book on Rufus Wainwright. It was an experiment in trying to write a regular non-fiction biography. I wouldn't do that kind of book again. / S - Selby, Hubert - In my very short lived "career" as a journalist I did an interview with Hubert Selby, he taught me more about how to get the truth into writing fiction in the few times I got to talk to him than anybody before or since / T - Thomas, Dylan - I played at the Laugharne Festival this year doing a kind of Dylan Thomas fronts the Fall improv thing. Evidence here / U - Ultravox - Somebody asked me recently who was the most boring band I had ever seen and I decided it was Ultravox, Vienna era at Birmingham Odeon. Others even more boring have probably been forgotten. / V - Velvet Underground. I was talking to somebody the other day and trying to guess how many times I might have listened to the first Velvets album. When I first bought it circa 1980 it had only been out 13 years. Now its been out 46 years. / W - Wyndham, John - Author of Day of the Triffids, Chocky etc. I bought his desk at an auction. Next two things I wrote after that ended up being sci-fi. Don't think the desk is haunted though. / X - Xanthareel, a yellow eel. Looks mean. My favourite animal beginning with X / Y - You Can't Always Get What You Want. Saw the Stones for the first time at Hyde Park this year. They were very, very, very far away. / Z -ZZZzzzzzzzzz //

Hamilton High

Hamilton High was born on Doheny Ave in the gutter, is a poet, writer and observer of popular culture. Likes fashion and cares less for style. He's on the move, he's an alter ego and we hardly ever hear from him.
about Hamilton High »»

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