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Outsideleft Week in Music. We're hearing from... black midi, James, Can, Japanese Breakfast, LIz Phair, Philip Glass, Genesis Owusu, The Joy Formidable, Jungle, Greentea Peng, Simmy, Kid Cruise, Laura Mvula, Alanis Morrisette, Willie Nelson, Prince, Clinic, Boy George, Billie Eilish and DMX...

Outsideleft Week in Music.

We're hearing from... black midi, James, Can, Japanese Breakfast, LIz Phair, Philip Glass, Genesis Owusu, The Joy Formidable, Jungle, Greentea Peng, Simmy, Kid Cruise, Laura Mvula, Alanis Morrisette, Willie Nelson, Prince, Clinic, Boy George, Billie Eilish and DMX...

by LamontPaul, Founder & Publisher
first published: June, 2021

approximate reading time: minutes

Except for Skyscrapers -- the one Bono ruins -- this is a welcomed surprise --Spanish Pantalones

The Week in Music has been a tough, am always thinking it's a slow week and then come Thursday night our contributors have weighed in with a cavalcade of stars and this week with Erin, an actual Cavalcade. You'll see...


(Def Jam)
DMX’s body was still warm when Def Jam released Exodus, yet as crass as the timing of this LP is, you can’t deny that is a fucking strong collection of songs. Except for Skyscrapers -- the one Bono ruins -- this is a welcomed surprise.  --Spanish Pantalones


Lost Cause
(Darkroom Interscope)
This sounds like a demo that Lana Del Rey sang after washing down a handful of Xanax with a bottle of vodka. What am I not getting with Billie Eilish? --Spanish Pantalones

Fine Dining
Here's the first new song from the grotesquely underrated Scouse quartet since their 2019 resurrection release 'Wheeltappers and Shunters.'  Vintage synths swirl like the soundtrack to a seventies science TV show,  Ade Blackburn's echoey vocals spout surreal lyrics: ('clip on your tie, clip on your tie ...' ) and it's all comfortingly strange.   And then the disco drums push this tune out on to the dancefloor.  Clear a space, Clinic are back. --Jay Lewis

The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

The voice is still there, as thick and sweet as Boy George’s voice still sounds, but the material is sub-standard fare. All “The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread” does is make me yearn for the velvety, lush sounds of Boy’s vocals in old chestnuts like “The Crying Game” or “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me.” --Spanish Pantalones

Born 2 Die
When Dr. Cornel West told Prince he was an OK musician, but he was “no Curtis Mayfield,” the singer wrote “Born 2 Die,” in response to the disparaging comment, a single that until now, has been hidden in Paisley Park’s vault since 2010 (six years before he died). It’s a pleasant-enough jam, but like most of Prince’s later work, it sounds like he spent about five minutes on developing this slow, throwaway groove (approximately three minutes longer than I spent on this review, but I digress). --Spanish Pantalones

On The Road Again
There’s a real American arrogance to this. There have been enough road songs and perhaps, Willie is one of the best placed to sing them as he apparently practically lives in his touring stagecoach. But romanticising travel could now be said to be pretty immoral; on the one hand those who have to travel to escape war and poverty and sometimes drown in European oceans and on the other, those who travel for fun and pollute the skies… both scenarios don’t seem to fit into this insipid tune, with Alanis squeezing out a quivering falsetto and Willie hardly bothering to get close enough to the mic to be heard. But maybe they’re singing about walking and I’m really wrong. -- Gracey Babs

Got Me
Video: more stations on the road to reinvent worthy WOMADer Laura as an R&B diva. Here we have an actual car wash scene as Laura and two mates pout at a yellow car and wave jet washers around like sex toys. Audio: Billy Ocean’s Going Get’s Tough… rhythm sends the message, ‘prepare for another 1980s’ pastiche’ and the following noises don’t disappoint. Is there an official 80’s chord? If so, it’s used here. The song itself is so inconsequential I’ve forgotten it two seconds after the Youtube ad killed it. --Gracey Babs

Free My People
Video: various lovely looking young people miming or lounging around the kind of Parisian squat flat you always thought you were going to take opium and write half a novel in. It gets a little more stoned as it goes on which matches the track, then she wakes up and it’s all a dream, one facilitated by 34 people in the production crew, who were responsible, respectively, for 6 seconds of this vid each. Audio: woozy, stoned intoning from the singers. Simmy’s out of tune tracked voice works particularly nice. The chorus is: ‘we don’t want to chat until my people free’ which is understandable.--Gracey Babs

Talk About It
Video: the concept: an after school debating/discussion circle of young people in the gym who have obviously been kept on a few years past sixth form, sit in a circle ready to talk about ‘issues’, and you just know they are going to get up and dance. And they do! Great dancing. Audio: I have a soft spot for a few Jungle tunes, although, catching them live once the reality of their production unit in the flesh somewhat mashed the perceptions created. But this, although it has all the elements, doesn’t really have the pop punch of previous releases. It’s… awwwright. --Gracey Babs

Back To Nothing
Video: nature, at dusk or dawn, with a torch and a GoPro on fish eye lens. Audio: progrock with a chorus. Drummer thinking about beer. Singer reasonably not wanting to ‘go back to nothing’, which might be one of those interesting mid-western American towns that feature in Fargo but more likely something to do with a relationship, I expect. Interestingly, at the end, the singer’s pronunciation morphs nothing to ‘nutting’ and I’m left wondering about her violent past. -- Gracey Babs

Same Thing
(House Anxiety/Ourness)
Video: Walking and sometimes sort of flying in front of a green screen, occasionally with three mates in balaclavas, in a selection of costumes stolen from Missy’s old wardrobe plus Billy Ocean’s jacket. It’s a campy mess. Audio: Slap bass! Who can tell? Nowadays music software can very successfully recreate a slapper without too much problem. I like his Uxbridge college-educated rap style and look forward to hearing him chat about his life on the radio. This track is a series of predictable chords over a predictable 1980s homage beat and I’ve got no idea what it means lyrically. Now for the real question: are his parents Peter Gabriel fans or god-fearing Christians?  -- Gracey Babs


Philip Glass String Quartet No.3: 'Mishima'
(Orange Mountain)
For their fourth EP of adaptations of works by Philip Glass, the Tana Quarter  have  selected one of his most iconic and memorable pieces. Taking on the music to the film 'Mishima' could have been a daunting task (the original - performed by Kronos Quartet is an understandably grand production). But the much celebrated and multi award winning Tana Quartet handle the task with aplomb. It is an exquisite and sublime performance. This is a stirring and essential recording. --Jay Lewis


How do you fairly listen to new Liz Phair music in 2021 without comparing it to Exile in Guyville? Soberish is pretty good, better than Somebody's Miracle and Funstyle for sure, but it’s closer on track to her earlier work like Whitechocolatespaceegg. I bet this one sounded great in its demo form. I miss lo-fi Liz. --Spanish Pantalones

(Dead Oceans)
I’m calling it right now: Spanish Pantalones’s Album of the Year. --Spanish Pantalones

Live in Stuttgart 1975
Is this the recording of the soundcheck? --Spanish Pantalones

All The Colours of You

All the Colours of You, James’s sixteenth studio LP from Manchester’s most underrated band may be one of their strongest offerings to date from their 38-year history although old timers who prefer the band’s early-’90s indie sound will be disappointed with this one.  --Spanish Pantalones

black midi
(Rough Trade)

Cavalcade, Erin says, is a hugely fulfilling album. Read the full review here --Erin

Main Image: DMX - Exodus (Def Jam)

Founder & Publisher

Publisher, Lamontpaul founded outsideleft with Alarcon in 2004 and is hanging on, saying, "I don't know how to stop this, exactly."

Lamontpaul portrait by John Kilduff painted during an episode of John's TV Show, Let's Paint TV

about LamontPaul »»

upcoming interviews begin with the Residents Feb 9th



All About and Contributors


Outsideleft exists on a precarious no budget budget. We are interested in hearing from deep and deeper pocket types willing to underwrite our cultural vulture activity. We're not so interested in plastering your product all over our stories, but something more subtle and dignified for all parties concerned. Contact us and let's talk. [HELP OUTSIDELEFT]


If Outsideleft had arms they would always be wide open and welcoming to new writers and new ideas. If you've got something to say, something a small dank corner of the world needs to know about, a poem to publish, a book review, a short story, if you love music or the arts or anything else, write something about it and send it along. Of course we don't have anything as conformist as a budget here. But we'd love to see what you can do. Write for Outsideleft, do. [SUBMISSIONS FORM HERE]

WRITERS thru' the Years

A.I. House-Painter, Agata Makiela, Alan Devey, Alan Rider, Alex V. Cook, Ancient Champion, Andy Allison, Annemiek, Archibald Stanton, Becca Kelly, Belle Plankton, Bruce Bailey, Caiomhin Millar, Cassie Thomas, Chantal, Cheiron Coelho, Chris Connolly, Christian Present, Damon Hayhurst, Dan Breen, Danny Rose, David Hackney, David O'Byrne, Denni Boyd, Dirty Lillie, DJ Fuzzyfelt, Dr. Rich, Dr. Richard Bennett, Duncan Jones, Erin, Erin Pipes, Erin Scott, Gracey Babs, Graham Baker, Guilaine Arts, H.xx, Hamilton High, Henderson Downing, Holly Martins, J. Charreaux, J.Lee, Jay Lewis, Jaycentee, Jennifer Lynn, Jenny McCann, Jeremy Gluck, Jez Collins, Joe Ambrose, John Robinson, Jonathan Thornton, Julie O, Karl Morgan, Katherine Pargeter, Kelsey Osgood, Kevin McHugh, Kiah Cranston, Kleo Kay, Lake, Lauren Frison, Lee Paul, Lilly Pemberton, Luke Skinner, Malcolm, Marek Pytel, Mark Piggott, Martin Devenney, Meave Haughey, Melanie Surfleet, Michelle Williams, Mickey, Mike Fox, mindy strouse, Neil Campbell, Neil Scott, Ogglypoogly, OL House Writer, Pam, Paul Burns, Paul Hawkins, Paul Mortimer, Paul Quigley, Peter Williams, Pixie McMowat, Pixievic, Rene Williams, Richard John Walker, Rick Casson, Rikki Stein, Ronan Crinion, Rowena Murphy, Ruby Lake, Ryan 'RJO' Stewart, Samantha Charles, Seth Sherwood, Shane O'Reilly, Sheridan Coyle, Sofia Ribeiro Willcox, Sophia Satchell-Baeza, Spanish Pantalones, Speedie John, Spencer Kansa, Steve McCarthy, The Conversation, Tim London, Tim Sparks, Tony Fletcher, Toon Traveller, Trevi, Urs Lerch, Wayne Dean-Richards, and founders, Alarcon & Lamontpaul


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