John Robinson is a regular contributor to OUTSIDELEFT, we feel fortunate that he chooses to write here. John’s a spouse, a parent and an educator too. He has way too many strings to his bow. He also contributed a critical component to our CMS when the programming lackeys were stuck, stuck, stuck, they were stuck for days. I won’t forget that in a hurry.
At the tail end of October, 2021, at the end of this week as I write, Zer0 Books will publish John’s bible of Momus, Famous for Fifteen People - The Songs of Momus, 1982-1995, which casts I think a superluminous flare, illuminating an incredible period of creativity for Momus, one of Britain and the worlds’ most idiosyncratic artists and songwriters, capturing his Creation records and beyond.
Anthony Reynolds of the band Jacques said “Fifteen People puts a microscope to a titanic talent.” And Duglas T. Stewart producer and BMX Bandit says, “Momus is a unique and important artist. Fifteen People puts his body of work into context in time and related to the surrounding culture. It is insightful, provoking a re-listening and conversation about the work.”
We’re celebrating John’s book with John Robinson Week in OUTSIDELEFT and I’ve seen some of the content and couldn’t be more excited. Discover... John’s things you need to know to navigate through the world that are not Momus - he really does have other interests too. Unpack Jay Lewis’ interview with John and finally, find out which things John would go a long, long, way, to never encounter again.
John Robinson Week is all happening beginning on Monday, November 1st… Can’t wait.
John Robinson Week
John Robinson Week
An introduction to John Robinson Week →
John Robinson Week, The Excerpts →
Talking Momus All The Time (Interview with John) - Part 1 →
Talking Momus All The Time (Interview with John) - Part 2 →
Momus Aside, You Ask? →
John Robinson's Teethgraters and Stuff... →
John's Momus book, Famous For Fifteen People is available now here