Seeing us through to the end of the year we’ve reached out to a number of our favourite artists and cultural creatives to join us in celebrating good things. A bunch of five things that make their world go around, inspire them or just need celebrating for what they are. There’s no theme here. It’s no kind of “best of year” round-up. These are just five things of the many things identified as making the world a better place to be. We’re all about positivity. Almost all of the time. We promise…
Jacqui and Pauline AKA JnP AKA The Leith Congregational Choir AKA the Soho sisters look forward to winter every year. It’s the time of their birthdays, of cold outside but extra heat indoors, snuggling up in bed and, for Jacqui especially, getting the Christmas mood with at least one evening of playing seemingly endless 7-inch singles with a happy holidays theme. Pauline. Winter is nesting...beds and Christmas go together well and provide an apt Seasonal sleep-inspired five...
Jacqui’s five fave Christmas tunes are here⇒
Here are Pauline's five bed-related faves.
My bed. It’s massive. A beautifully made bed. Yellow wood, with lovely curls, a very feminine bed.
My massage couch. Hand made to my specification, wide enough so that people don’t feel as if they will fall off it. And it’s portable! So I can massage people wherever they are!
My bed in Jamaica. I only stayed there for a week but it was my kind of bed, four-poster, nice wood, lovely linen (bamboo silk!). The only downside was there was a lizard who liked it too. Which meant I spent at least one night sleeping in a chair.
The sofa in the front room of our house. Polish (from Poland), orange, containing secrets which I can’t tell you about.
My first bed from when I left home to train as a nurse in the ‘Female Central’ nursing home. A big single which I sometimes shared with my sister Jacqui and later shared with my first boyfriend. Just about big enough...
Pauline and Jacqui performing with their band Soho on the Jonathan Ross Show
Essential Info
Main image, Pauline on the secretive couch most likely (by Tim London, possibly)
A BUNCH OF FIVE: Throughout December 2022 we asked a number of our favourite artists and cultural creatives to join us in celebrating good things. A Bunch of Five things that make their world go around, inspire them or just need celebrating for what they are. See what they came up with, below.
- jan5.