Seeing us through to the end of the year we’ve reached out to a number of our favourite artists and cultural creatives to join us in celebrating good things. A bunch of five things that make their world go around, inspire them or just need celebrating for what they are. There’s no theme here. It’s no kind of “best of year” round-up. These are just five things of the many things identified as making the world a better place to be. We’re all about positivity. Almost all of the time. We promise…
Today's Fab F-I-V-E comes to us from Dan Scrivener of the band Mountainscape, one of the UK's most acclaimed post-metal bands. The trio also features Ethan Bishop on bass and Dan's brother James on drums and are based in Reading, but are not slow to get in the van and have toured all over the UK to growing audiences. Their new LP is Atoms Unfurling and draws on a wide musical spectrum - ambient, film/video game scores, post-black metal, sludge, doom and post-rock. Five things to get Dan through the day, here we go...
I couldn't live without electric guitar lathered in delicious effects, life wouldn't be the same. My current favourites are the Walrus audio Descent that I've favoured for a few years now. My Source Audio Nemesis and Lehle volume pedal for delicious ambient swells. I have an HM-2W at the top of my Christmas list...
FANTASY/SCI-FI (films/tv/art/video games...)
Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Stranger Things, Dune, God of War, Skyrim, Jedi Fallen Order, His Dark Materials, Zelda...I could go on. I wouldn't want to live in a world without these works of art. Here's some music and ambience from the Skyrim soundtrack.
Right now, the music of Hammock. My favourite album of theirs is constantly changing. Music to become lost in.
The deeper the pan the better, preferably with multiple meat types on top and a cheesy stuffed crust. Shout out to Tops Pizza in Reading. Delicious.
BEARD PRODUCTS (stroking my beard...)
I'm often told to stop stroking my beard by my other half, apparently it's a lot louder than I realise and sounds like a buffoon raking crisp winter leaves. However I find great pleasure in it and in taking good care of my facial hair. The Beard Struggle and Mo Bros have some awesome products that I can't get enough of. Vanilla and Mango is my favourite scent.
Essential Info
Hear Dan's band Mountainscape here⇒
Also on Bandcamp here⇒
and Facebook here⇒:
A BUNCH OF FIVE: Throughout December 2022 we asked a number of our favourite artists and cultural creatives to join us in celebrating good things. A Bunch of Five things that make their world go around, inspire them or just need celebrating for what they are. See what they came up with, below.
- jan5.