Seeing us through to the end of the year we’ve reached out to a number of our favourite artists and cultural creatives to join us in celebrating good things. A bunch of five things that make their world go around, inspire them or just need celebrating for what they are. There’s no theme here. It’s no kind of "best of year" round-up. These are just five things of the many things identified as making the world a better place to be. We’re all about positivity. Almost all of the time. We promise...
Early in 2023 (Feb) Good For Nothing will mark the dawning of a new era for Brandon Hoogenboom, his first solo LP. “I started re-living my life, questioning if I should continue to play and write music,” he recalls after his previous band broke up. “I was trying to figure out where I should be in life." Brandon says, “A lot of emotion went into these songs,” while talking about what the album means to him. “This is the first collection of recorded music that I’m really proud of, and it feels like it’s just the beginning—but every day I’m pushing myself and my art forward, too.” Here's Brandon Hoogenboom's Five Things that are helping to take him along the way...
Art is definitely one thing that came easier to me in school while growing up. All other subjects were a different story though, so I found a lot of my identity in being creative. That goes hand in hand with my love for music and writing songs. I’ve also dabbled around with some animation for another one of my music projects called High Morale, you can check that out here: and have always loved Pixar and Disney animated films. Right now I do freelance graphic design for a cannabis company, Old Pal, and I really resonate with their “Legalize Humanity” mission. If you haven’t heard of them, look them up! They support some great organizations, and it feels good to be a part of a company that is working towards a better & more equitable world. More here⇒
My Dog, Luna - Truly man's best friend. Most of my day revolves around walks, treats, and belly rubs. French bulldogs come with a lot of problems but she’s all worth it. Just last week she had to get a growth removed from her paw, and thankfully it’s benign.
I’m a triplet so I’ve been close to my siblings since the womb. Life gets more complicated and harder to see family and friends so I really value the time I get to spend with the people I love. Also recently I’ve added to the family getting married last year, and I also love being an uncle to all my nieces and nephews.
If I were a superhero my name would be Plant-Man. A couple years ago I had a strange addiction of buying a new plant every week and now I have about 60 plants scattered around my house and office. I inherited my green thumb from my great grandfather, in fact I still have one of his plumeria plants on my back patio.
I haven’t been taking as many photos as of late, but when I travel or wherever there’s sunlight I love to take film photos.
Essential Info
Main Hoogenboom image by Billy Yarbrough.
A BUNCH OF FIVE: Throughout December 2022 we asked a number of our favourite artists and cultural creatives to join us in celebrating good things. A Bunch of Five things that make their world go around, inspire them or just need celebrating for what they are. See what they came up with, below.
- jan5.