(Watkins Publishing)
‘The Extraterrestrial Oracle’ created by Uri Geller is a really intriguing pack, unusual in concept and essentially developing the idea that extraterrestrial aliens are keen to help us earth dwellers to develop our psychic abilities and aid in our spiritual development.
The pack comprises 52 cards with retrofuturistc graphic design by Sarah O'Flaherty, featuring bold images in strong colours, striking designs that send an instant message to both our conscious and sub-conscious minds. Each card has a straightforward title and brief description of its meaning, which enables you to begin to work with it.
The enclosed booklet gives much more detail on each card’s meaning. This includes a description, its message in a reading, ideas for meditation, and practical exercises to really get into the card and absorb its message on a deeper spiritual level. The cards can be used in a number of ways, from readings for yourself or others, self-reflection and self-analysis, they can be used as keys to unlocking your inner potential, and also as tools to reach out to extraterrestrial beings to connect with them and receive their guidance and wisdom.
Uri gives an open and frank introduction to the cards in the booklet, in which he shares with us his first encounter with extraterrestrials in his childhood, which, interestingly, was later corroborated by a passer-by who witnessed the event. The result of this powerful and awe-inspiring experience was that they effectively gifted him his impressive psychic abilities, of which he became aware of immediately afterwards, finding he could read minds. They enhanced his mental abilities to be able to do all kinds of extraordinary things, which we would all (most likely) wish to be able to do.
Bending metal, especially spoons, is one of the things that first brought him to the attention of the world, through the media. In his booklet he stresses that more importantly than this, is his access to wisdom from the stars, through his guides, the extraterrestrial beings with whom he has contact.
Uri wants to share this with us all and has encapsulated within the cards the keys to develop these skills. With dedication and work, this is achievable by all. The booklet not only describes each card in detail, it also includes several card spreads to use for readings and there is a fascinating seven card spread evocatively titled ‘The Mind-Bending Geller Spread’, which was created for Uri by his tarot expert friend, Richard Knight.
Of course, I had to try this spread, and did an impromptu reading for Outside Left (for entertainment purposes only!).
The cards were: Ear, Source of Life, Spiritual Allies, North Star, Comet, The Hermit, Zenner Cards. My interpretation:
“The talents that Outside Left (OL) has, that are unique to it, are its reviewers’ abilities to listen authentically and intently to each submission. Being in the moment in full concentration enables this. This not only applies to the music reviews, but also to the writers of the other thought provoking and analytical pieces on various topics, in the form of active listening to their own muses.
There is a need to develop more connectedness to all who would enjoy OL. Although there is already good visibility, there could be more. Ways to reach a greater audience could be explored in discussion. Open-mindedness and not being deterred by any initial doubts will help this goal to move forward and extend OL’s reach.
This also means being open to new areas to include and develop. New ideas should be acted on, not put by for tomorrow. Don’t neglect these ideas, they are inspired by the Universe. Embracing additional new directions brings positive forward movement and new opportunities will then be able to present themselves. OL is on a journey and path of development. Allow changes to happen organically and naturally so it all flows into place.
The message for the future is that all things are possible, don’t dismiss anything as too far-fetched or crazy, as it is all possible with positivity, optimism and open-ness to the new.”
To summarise, this oracle deck contains striking images, coupled with powerful messages presented with clarity and inherent kindness which, amongst other things, is designed to develop our connections to the greater Universe and all of its denizens.
Essential Information
The Extraterrestrial Oracle - Uri Geller is available from Watkins Publishing here