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OL 100: The Most Widely Read Stories in Outsideleft in 2024 2024 in 100 Outsideleft stories

OL 100: The Most Widely Read Stories in Outsideleft in 2024

2024 in 100 Outsideleft stories

by LamontPaul, Founder & Publisher
first published: December, 2024

approximate reading time: minutes

The most widely read Outsideleft stories in 2024 belong to you

OL 24x100

  1. Who were Satellite Lovers and why are they suddenly a thing 30 years after they disappeared?
    David O'Byrne tries to find out by David O'Byrne
  2. Pete Williams at the Outsideleft Night Out
    The Outsideleft Night Out returns at the 1000 Trades on the Park, Bearwood, with Pete Williams, DJ's Woodenhand and Prehistoric Man by LamontPaul
  3. Junk Drawer
    Today's Sunday Morning Poem is from Powys' Christopher Hall by OL House Writer
  4. Voices From The Streets
    There was a time when fanzines represented the purest form of youthful self-expression, as Matthew Worley's book 'Zerox Machine' reveals by Alan Rider
  5. It's Fire Engines Week in Outsideleft!
    It's Fire Engines Week All Week by LamontPaul
  6. Brighter Now?
    Edward Ka-Spel has his doubts about the state of the world but never stops searching for a chink of light out there by Alan Rider
  7. Sunday Morning Poet: A Tribute to Big Bren
    The much loved Brendan Higgins (aka Big Bren), died last week. by Pixievic
  8. Outsideleft Week in Music: The Night Coming After the Vulture Prince
    We're hearing from... Arooj Aftab, DYW, Basement Letters, Reviser, Belle and Sebastian, Sadistic Force, Craig Benedict Valentine Badynee, Oloff, Lu Warm, Jean-Jaques Perrey, Flesh Field, Cigarettes After Sex, L'Imperatrice, The Slits, Allman Brothers, English Teacher, Stephen Bluhm , The Pull of Autumn and The Wesleys by OL House Writer
  9. David J: Chats from the Attic
    Alan Rider sits down with former Bauhaus and Love and Rockets founder David J to ask him about ritual magick, exhuming his old demos, and whether Bauhaus really is finished. by Alan Rider
  10. Pressure DropJohn's book, Pressure Drop
    John Masouri publishes a new bible by Ancient Champion
  11. Jamie Reid - Spinning The Wheel of The Year
    A new book, 'Time For Magic', unveils the druidic influences behind one of Britain's best known and iconic artists by Alan Rider
  12. Rema Rema - There's No Light At The End
    Alan Rider watches Marco Porsia's compelling story of the influential band that barely existed. by Alan Rider
  13. Folktronics: The Songs of Momus 1996 - 2008
    John Robinson's continuing journey through the Momus songbook by Jay Lewis
  14. And Now It's All This
    Micky Greaney delivers his masterpiece by Jay Lewis
  15. Outsideleft Night Out with Soho
    Soho, DJ's Agata Makiela and Woodenhand on the first Friday of July at Cork's in Bearwood by LamontPaul
  16. Next Week is Attrition Week in Outsideleft
    Darkwave act Attrition bring 40 years of Electronica to Outsideleft - The Power is Up All Week by Alan Rider
  17. Melt Banana – are you ready?
    The hurricane that is Melt Banana is heading to these shores. Alan Rider battens down the hatches and catches up with them before the storm hits by Alan Rider
  18. Bass Communion. Perfecting Imperfection
    Steven Wilson's solo act Bass Communion are releasing their first album for 12 years. He explains why, and how imperfection and flaws are at the heart of his creating unique new music. by Alan Rider
  19. This Town Is Coming Like a Cliche
    Tim London wonders whether it is possible to review something honestly and with honour after only watching maybe half and a bit of the first episode? Let's see... by Tim London
  20. Re: Use Before You RecycleCallum Easter
    Callum Easter makes a cheeky swift return to Birmingham by Ancient Champion
  21. Homeward Bound with Katherine Priddy
    Katherine Priddy talks to Outsideleft about her timely second album 'The Pendulum Swings' by Jay Lewis
  22. Sunday Morning Poet: Laura Jane Round
    Round's poems feel like company and understanding in a way few have been... by OL House Writer
  23. Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
    Pete Astor is Coming to Town with a Worm in His Brain or No. Come and See For Yourself by Ancient Champion
  24. Dreaming That I'm Awake
    Sweden's Les Big Byrd are taxiing on the runway of the Jet Set by Alan Rider
  25. Your Cassette Pet Unspooled
    Rob Drew's new book delves deep into the history of the scroll-like precursor to Bandcamp. by Alan Rider
  26. English Teacher: This Could Be Texas
    John Robinson says English Teacher have produced his LP of the Year so far by John Robinson
  27. Punk Had A (Scottish) Baby and They Called It...
    Grant McPhee's new book on Scottish Post Punk music, Postcards From Scotland, like his film, Big Gold Dream, enthralls Tim London by Tim London
  28. It's sparkle*jets u.k. Week in Outsideleft
    All Week we're featuring Los Angeles Powerpopstars sparkle*jets u.k. by LamontPaul
  29. A Conversation: David Benjamin Blower & Duncan Jones
    Poet, author, social care-ist Duncan Jones talks at length about ending, hope, singing and more with David Benjamin Blower by Duncan Jones
  30. Sons Of WayneSons of Wayne
    Poet and Outsideleft favourite son, Wayne Dean Richards interviews his sons, Ethan and Kalman about their new play The Good Landlord by Wayne Dean-Richards
  31. Loving American Soul in Middle England
    Urs Lerch talks to Lee Christian about his eclectic approach to song... by Urs Lerch
  32. Sunday Morning Poet: Glyn Phillips
    'Bloody Poets!' is a preview of Glyn's forthcoming collection. by OL House Writer
  33. Justin Hawkins Rides again... Again
    The leader of the Darkness brings his YouTube show to the Glee Club by Tim Sparks
  34. Yikes! Momus
    John Robinson says Momus, our ambassador from the world of outsider pop is spoiling us by John Robinson
  35. Made In India
    India's Hidden Early Electronic Music Legacy by Alan Rider
  36. Three Big Questions for Barry Adamson
    Barry Adamson is touring with a new LP and answering questions by Ancient Champion
  37. It's A Wonderful Life
    David O'Byrne with the breathless read of Moving Music - The memoirs of Rikki Stein by David O'Byrne
  38. Last Train To Manchester
    Corudory Institute's Modern Classicism by John Robinson
  39. More Than Okay, Amigo
    Ooglypoogly is with Amigo the Devil at least until the War Is Over by Ogglypoogly
  40. Musical Militancy: In the face of the Brazilian Military DictatorshipSofia's story image
    Sofia Ribeiro-Willcox hears the Echoes of Resistance and the Rhythms of Revolution by Sofia Ribeiro Willcox
  41. Mark Mothersbaugh is Averting Evil, OK
    John Robinson flicks through Apotropaic Beatnik Graffiti, Mark Mothersbaugh's singularly handsome new art book by John Robinson
  42. A Night Out with Lu Warm
    J.Lee's photographic evidence from an astonishing Outsideleft Night Out in Corks Lounge, in Bearwood by J.Lee
  43. The Sunday Morning Poet: Neil Campbell
    Neil Campbell's poem is The Consolation of Birds by Neil Campbell
  44. Remembrances of a Fried Friar
    Richard John Walker dusts down two Julian Cope Classics by Richard John Walker
  45. Three Big Questions For Nadine Khouri
    Before joining Barry Adamson on tour, Nadine Khouri answers 3 Big Questions for Outsideleft by LamontPaul
  46. Smell The Glue
    Sniffin' Glue... And Other Rock 'n' Roll Habits, is back in print by LamontPaul
  47. The Biggest Elvis Festival Outside Las Vegas
    Martin Devenney discovers Paradise, Porthcawl Style, at the Largest Elvis Presley Celebration in the World by Martin Devenney
  48. The Power of Culture and Heritage: Fusion of Folklore and Music
    A hip pocket guide to the interwoven nature of folklore and folk music by Sofia Ribeiro Willcox
  49. The Blessed Saint Slit
    Here To Be Heard - The Story Of The Slits on film by Tim London
  50. BeardAlan Beard
    That's Six Days with Alan Beard in Outsideleft by Ancient Champion
  51. Kahil El'Zabar's Latest Invitation - I Accept It Gladly
    Paul Mortimer's with the Ethnic Heritage Ensemble by Paul Mortimer
  52. Noodles and Ketchup
    Alan Rider exhumes the rotten corpse of the music business with Telegraph music journalist and author of 'Bodies', Ian Winwood by Alan Rider
  53. Short Story Orgy #1: Going Round The Bend
    Kiah Cranston inaugurates Outsideleft's new series of short sharp fiction... by Kiah Cranston
  54. Unforgotten Phenomenon: Mamonas Assassinas
    Sofia Ribeiro Willcox Remembers the meteoric but brief career of Mamonas Assassinas by Sofia Ribeiro Willcox
  55. La Sangre de la Tierra
    Virtus Christi te urget! Just Go. by Ancient Champion
  56. Vividly Iridescent Mountainscape
    Iridescent is the third LP of post-rock ambience and colossal riffs from Mountainscape by Lee Paul
  57. Steel Yourself
    Liars At The Witch Trial's step up for a second serving... by Jay Lewis
  58. Paul Thorpe's Oldham, 1974-1988
    Cafe Royal Books' Theatre of the Everyday by Martin Devenney
  59. A Dayglo Mohair Jumper
    Davy Henderson talks to Tim London as Fire Engines Week in Outsideleft continues by Tim London
  60. Maddening GeniusMark spybey
    Dead Voices On Air's Mark Spybey's new biography (of sorts) details the revolutionary act of making music by Alan Rider
  61. Museumgoer 23: Track by Track
    Museumgoer 23 is here. 23. That's a lot of Museumgoer in a world where there is never enough. by LamontPaul
  62. Barry Adamson, Uptown & Alright
    Toon Traveller gets down... (people still do that?) with the new Barry Adamson LP, Cut To Black by Toon Traveller
  63. Now Then, Love...
    The wait is over for Ooglypoogly as Richard Hawley releases his ninth solo LP, 'In This City They Call You Love' by Ogglypoogly
  64. The Autonomous Steve Diggle
    Steve Diggle talks to LamontPaul and Alan Rider about what made the Buzzcocks so unique by LamontPaul
  65. Sunday Morning Poet: Al Hutchins
    We're delighted to welcome Al Hutchins, the poet Stewart Lee described as '...a howling faggot-and-pea visionary' by OL House Writer
  66. Dry Cleaning Hare
    Duncan Jones' Temerity: Spring Clean those guitars please by Duncan Jones
  67. Rikki Stein's Global Island Discs
    Rikki Stein's playlist to accompany his memoir, Moving Music by Rikki Stein
  68. Rock'n'Roll Void-Oid Boys and Girls
    Sweet and Sour Swansea Sound Washes Over JQ by Ancient Champion
  69. Ancient Champion: This is a Minor Mass Extinction Event
    Some animals died in the creation of this artistic work by Ancient Champion
  70. Shabaka Does Whatever He Wants To DoShabaka
    Toon Traveler says... Maybe a little more of what I want, after all? by Toon Traveller
  71. Positive Negativity From Belgrade
    Tim London gets all mindwarped by DYW's Negative Space by Tim London
  72. Don't Bring Billy Childish to the Party. Seriously. Don't.
    DJ Fuzzyfelt reads Ted Kessler's Billy Childish book To Ease My Troubled Mind by DJ Fuzzyfelt
  73. Exploring The Book of Forgotten Witches
    Our newest writer, esoteric correspondent Kleo Kay, meets the beings and spirits that inhabit magical realms close to our own by Kleo Kay
  74. The Hyperreal World of the Tribute Band
    Cultural anthropomorphism from newest contributor Martin Devenney by Martin Devenney
  75. Chico Buarque: A Genius and Giant in Brazilian Culture
    Sofia Ribeiro Willcox traces the career of Chico Buarque by Sofia Ribeiro Willcox
  76. Ancient Champion: Let Ed Ruscha Be Your Guide
    Drop everything and head directly to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for NOW THEN the Ed Ruscha retrospective by Ancient Champion
  77. It's The Armoires Week in Outsideleft
    California Indie popsters, The Armoires, return with the fourth LP, Octoberland, and they're staying with Outsideleft all week! by LamontPaul
  78. Cheekbones and Speed
    As part of Fire Engines Week, Tim London reads Johnnie Johnstone's secret history of Josef K by Tim London
  79. Sunday Morning Poet
    RM Francis delivers Anthony as a Sunday Morning Poem by OL House Writer
  80. Drunk Keith!Drunk keith
    John Robinson interviews Keith Robert Haworth, a.k.a. Drunk Keith! by John Robinson
  81. Short Story Orgy #2: Genocide
    Charlie Hill adds to Outsideleft's Short Story Orgy Series by OL House Writer
  82. Whatever Happened to Matt Johnson?
    Tim London suggests we speculate while parsing through Ensoulment, the The's first LP in an age by Tim London
  83. Young Jesus Comes Back After All
    The new LP from Young Jesus, you can call it a comeback by Ancient Champion
  84. Fran Says
    Wayne Dean-Richards interviews acclaimed poet Fran Lock by Wayne Dean-Richards
  85. Alan Moore - Behind the illusion
    Alan Rider seeks philosophical meaning through the new book on the work of Alan Moore by Alan Rider
  86. Looking for Hallowed Ground – An Interview with Skin Yard’s Daniel House
    For the release of a new curated boxset, Jonathan Thornton talks to Skin Yard’s bassist and grunge pioneer Daniel House about Skin Yard’s music and legacy in the grunge scene. by Jonathan Thornton
  87. Caving in to Consciousness
    Ogglypoogly assesses the impact of Erland Cooper's Carve the Runes Then Be Content With Silence? by Ogglypoogly
  88. Everything Happens So Fast
    DJ Fuzzyfelt's personal recollection of the Fire Engines by DJ Fuzzyfelt
  89. Don't Mess with the Kid
    Kid Congo Powers has a new LP. DJ Fuzzyfelt is listening by DJ Fuzzyfelt
  90. Up North. Birmingham That Is...Cafe Royal Books, North Bimrningham
    Duncan Jones on North Birmingham 1984-1985: Richard Christensen, Cafe Royal Books by Duncan Jones
  91. Write Down Babylon
    Tim London reads 'Rebel Musix, Scribe on a Vibe' by Vivien Goldman by Tim London
  92. Silver Apples of the Moon
    Jonathan Thornton asserts that 30 years on, Laika's debut LP remains a seminal work of outsider music by Jonathan Thornton
  93. Do Damage – the crazy story of RRRecords
    Alan Rider reads ‘America’s Greatest Noise’, on RRRecord’s divergent driving force, Ron Lessard by Alan Rider
  94. Weaving Tales of The Jacquard
    Martin Devenny recalls the heady days of Norwich's legendary post punk haunt by Martin Devenney
  95. Short Story Orgy #5: It’s Only Fayre
    Outsideleft fiction editor, Becca Kelly, files a chiller for Halloween... by Becca Kelly
  96. Here To Have Fun
    Tony Fletcher puts down his laptop and heads to New York to experience IDLES, crowd watch, dance (a bit) and above all, have FUN by Tony Fletcher
  97. Janine Wiedel - the Woman of Steel is Back
    Join Janine Wiedel for the launch of the heavyweight edition of Vulcan's Forge from Bluecoat Press by LamontPaul
  98. Billy Childish Various Artists
    A brief history of 3000 songs by DJ Fuzzyfelt
  99. Sunday Morning Poet: Fran Lock
    Fran Lock's Sunday Morning Poem is for Mark E Smith by OL House Writer
  100. The Lonely Seasons of Anne Charlotte RobertsonCharlotte Anne Robertson #100
    Lauren Frison discusses Robertson’s most impressive film, Five Year Diary, offering episodes from the director’s life from 1981 to 1997 by Lauren Frison

Founder & Publisher

Publisher, Lamontpaul founded outsideleft with Alarcon in 2004 and is hanging on, saying, "I don't know how to stop this, exactly."

Lamontpaul portrait by John Kilduff painted during an episode of John's TV Show, Let's Paint TV

about LamontPaul »»

upcoming interviews begin with the Residents Feb 9th



All About and Contributors


Outsideleft exists on a precarious no budget budget. We are interested in hearing from deep and deeper pocket types willing to underwrite our cultural vulture activity. We're not so interested in plastering your product all over our stories, but something more subtle and dignified for all parties concerned. Contact us and let's talk. [HELP OUTSIDELEFT]


If Outsideleft had arms they would always be wide open and welcoming to new writers and new ideas. If you've got something to say, something a small dank corner of the world needs to know about, a poem to publish, a book review, a short story, if you love music or the arts or anything else, write something about it and send it along. Of course we don't have anything as conformist as a budget here. But we'd love to see what you can do. Write for Outsideleft, do. [SUBMISSIONS FORM HERE]

WRITERS thru' the Years

A.I. House-Painter, Agata Makiela, Alan Devey, Alan Rider, Alex V. Cook, Ancient Champion, Andy Allison, Annemiek, Archibald Stanton, Becca Kelly, Belle Plankton, Bruce Bailey, Caiomhin Millar, Cassie Thomas, Chantal, Cheiron Coelho, Chris Connolly, Christian Present, Damon Hayhurst, Dan Breen, Danny Rose, David Hackney, David O'Byrne, Denni Boyd, Dirty Lillie, DJ Fuzzyfelt, Dr. Rich, Dr. Richard Bennett, Duncan Jones, Erin, Erin Pipes, Erin Scott, Gracey Babs, Graham Baker, Guilaine Arts, H.xx, Hamilton High, Henderson Downing, Holly Martins, J. Charreaux, J.Lee, Jay Lewis, Jaycentee, Jennifer Lynn, Jenny McCann, Jeremy Gluck, Jez Collins, Joe Ambrose, John Robinson, Jonathan Thornton, Julie O, Karl Morgan, Katherine Pargeter, Kelsey Osgood, Kevin McHugh, Kiah Cranston, Kleo Kay, Lake, Lauren Frison, Lee Paul, Lilly Pemberton, Luke Skinner, Malcolm, Marek Pytel, Mark Piggott, Martin Devenney, Meave Haughey, Melanie Surfleet, Michelle Williams, Mickey, Mike Fox, mindy strouse, Neil Campbell, Neil Scott, Ogglypoogly, OL House Writer, Pam, Paul Burns, Paul Hawkins, Paul Mortimer, Paul Quigley, Peter Williams, Pixie McMowat, Pixievic, Rene Williams, Richard John Walker, Rick Casson, Rikki Stein, Ronan Crinion, Rowena Murphy, Ruby Lake, Ryan 'RJO' Stewart, Samantha Charles, Seth Sherwood, Shane O'Reilly, Sheridan Coyle, Sofia Ribeiro Willcox, Sophia Satchell-Baeza, Spanish Pantalones, Speedie John, Spencer Kansa, Steve McCarthy, The Conversation, Tim London, Tim Sparks, Tony Fletcher, Toon Traveller, Trevi, Urs Lerch, Wayne Dean-Richards, and founders, Alarcon & Lamontpaul


Kerry Hardley-Pryce at the Bear Bookshop

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