Each week we offer a profile of an outsideleft reader. This is purely voluntary and as they used to say about dating Chris Evert, the line is long, but it moves pretty fast... So, c'mon, whore yourself a little for our entertainment..
Name: Kelly G.
Age: 24
Hometown: Corvallias, Oregon
Something About It: Lots of pseudo hippies. Also a lot of Californians transplanting to get away from, um California.
Transport: A Ford Taurus hand-me-down from my parents
What do you do for money: Ask the parents. I'm a student.
Preferred Musicians/Music: Air, Beck, Blondie, The Buzzcocks, Nico, Stereolab, The Faint, The Pixies,
Likes: Aaron Cometbus, cigarettes, The Royal Tenenbaums, thrift stores, rugby, Team Zissou, broaches, the Specials, paisley, fruit at the bottom yogurt, tunes you can whistle to. estate sales, dark chocolate, singing, sushi
Dislikes: Radiohead, people who like Radiohead, street fairs, Ashton Kutcher, deformed labia
Most embarrassing moment: Most recently, a face plant in a puddle of mud and possibly feces while walking the dog. This happened this morning before my first class.
Want to be OutsideLeft's the next Outsider of the Week?
Then contact us by email, send your answers to the questions above. Outsiders of the Week can receive valuable gifts from our sponsors.../p>
[Incidentally, that's also the email address you'd want to use if you're interested in contributing to OutsideLeft. if you're interested in writing for us, tell us why and let us know what you want to write about and unless you're David Sedaris or Greil Marcus, be prepared to send us a few samples of your writing.]