This weekend offers you a big chance to win tickets for the Silverlake Conservatory of Music's 2nd Annual Hullabaloo.
The Silverlake Conservatory of Music is not as snotty as it sounds. Founded by
Red Hot Chili Peppers' bassist, Flea and fellow musician, Keith Barry, the non-profit music school provides around 600 kids locally with musical instruments, lessons and inspiration. Or maybe the kids provide their own inspiration. Either way. The rates are unreasonably low or often free, with grants and scholarships available.
The Hullabaloo takes place on June 21st this year and raises funds to support the Conservatory's programs and features performances from Patti Smith, Joshua Redman and Flea. We're pretty fond of Flea who we've seen a number of times playing his trumpet or bass guitar around and about. Forever graciously posing for no end of pictures with fans. He's pretty recognizable and he doesn't even zip a Flea suit up the back each morning or when he leaves the house.
Tickets for the Hullabaloo are supremely rare, with just 300 available at $250.00 each. At Amoeba Music, on Sunset, a pair of these exceedingly rare tickets will be available at their weekend auction, this Saturday afternoon at 4pm. The proceeds from the auction supports Gulf Coast Charities. Wow. That's a whole lot of giving going on.
The Hullabaloo event offers an open buffet and bar. The master of ceremonies is Rob Zabrecky - a household name in our house, at least, - he used to sing for one of LA's all time excellent bands, Possum Dixon (would it be okay to say to those unfamiliar that it might have been like seeing a more entertaining They Might Be Giants mashed up with Evesham's the Dancing Did?), but is now a sort of charming David Copperfield type, peddling magic and mystery and has become a regular at the magic castle. I so often wonder, ahhh where are they now? And when I look, 'they' are so desperately hoping to cling onto the entertainment bandwagon, that they're working in the wages department at Capitol Records or somewhere, (with me), even though their ship had sailed so long ago. So. Rob Zabrecky, big surprise! Although he never seemed to me like he would end up putting Ringo Starr's checks in the mail. Hmmmm, those Bed of Eyes characters though, I don't know.
So, our recommendation of course, is to go along to Amoeba on Saturday, bid up a storm for those tickets, and while you're there, buy some music from the likes of Flea and his bands so he has more money to support the Silverlake Conservatory and we'll see y'all at the Hullabaloo.
Visit the Silverlake Conservatory website.