The people who own the building that contains my university occasionally rent out some of the larger rooms, usually to actors for rehearsals. We've had all types in there - from a post-reunion pre-tour Take That brushing up on their moves, to Stephen Tompkinson of Ballykissangel and Drop the Dead Donkey 'fame'. I had grown used to frequent glimpses of mediocrity on my way to Methodology class, but today everything changed...
I was on my way to the library when I saw a tall, white haired man whom I instantly recognised, but I knew not from where. A thought jumped into mind: 'Shit. He was in Star Wars', and I immediately decided I would confront him if I saw him again on my way back. I did, and thankfully he was on his own so I approached him and said 'Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to bother you but...weren't you in Star Wars?'. He smiled and replied 'Yes, I was'. I mean, come on, "sir"?? I haven't sincerely called anyone that for years!
His name is Michael Pennington and he played Moff Jerjerrod in 'Return of Jedi', a film I have seen somewhere in the region of thirty times. He was the guy who's running the Death Star when Darth Vader turns up and tells him to get his act together because the Emperor will be visiting soon to see how the reconstruction is coming along. When told of the Emperor's impending arrival, Jerjerrod looks very nervous and says 'We shall double our efforts'. Like a true dork, I repeated this line to Michael when I spoke to him so that he knew I really knew who he was and that I didn't just recognise his face like some lame 'casual observer' or something. Again, he smiled graciously, and seemed slightly pleased to be recognised for what he played down as "a week's work".
Probably best of all, after we'd chatted for a few minutes and I decided to leave him alone, he said "It was nice meeting you, I'll probably see you again", meaning he'll be around my uni for a bit longer and we might end up talking again!